Šampioni Bistkupstwo
zde je seznam šampionů pocházejících z chovatelské stanice Bistkupstwo
Czech TOP-1 borzoi 2010,C.I.B. (Interchampion), Czech Grand champion,Slovakian Grand champion, Czech champion, Slovakian champion, Polish champion, Club champion KCHaPB, OKWZR Trophy winner, Central East European winner, 5xBOB,4xCACIB, BIG-1, Excellent from World dog show 2009, Res CACIB
Polish champion, coursing licence, coursing´s Master of Morava, 3x CAC CZ, 2x Res CAC, 2x CACT,
Slovakian champion, Best female and total winner TOP10 Slovakia 2007, Slovakian junior champion, Best head SVCH Bratislava 2007, Junior club winner 2006, Best female TOP10 Slovakia 2006
C.I.B., Czech Grand Ch, Champion ČMKU, Slovakian Ch, Polish Ch, Czech CH,Junior Champion of Slovakia and Czech, Res BIS puppy, National winner, Res-BIG, Excellent 4 from WDS 2013
C.I.B.P., C.I.C.,CZ champion Beauty and performance, CZ working champion - Coursing, Slovakian working Ch, Master of Moravia 2018 and 2019, Winner of V4 Cup, Winner for Beauty and performance 2017, Slovakian Ch,Czech Ch,Polish Ch, Slovakian Junior Ch, Czech Junior Ch, CACIB, nomination for CRUFT, 3x BOB, 2x BOS, BOJ, 2x Junior-BIS, CAC, CACIL, CACT, Res CACT, Res CACIL
Polish veteran champion, Champion of Poland, PL coursing CH, Junior Ch of Poland
Czech Champion, Austrian Champion,Hungarian Champion, Polish champion, Slovakian Champion, C.I.B., Best female, BOB, BOS, Nomination for Crufts, Coursing licence (CACT, 2x Res CACT, 2x Res CACIL, Master of Morav)
Polish Champion, CACIB, Best Junior PL, CAJC, Junior BOB
Czech champion, Champion for beauty and performance, Mister coursing CZ 2005, CACT, CACIL, Junior Club winner 2005
Junior champion of Luxembourg
Slovakian champion, 1. place TOP 10 Slovakia 2005,
1. place TOP 10 Slovakia 2006, Best male TOP 10 Slovakia 2007, Grand champion of Slovakia
Polish Champion, Junior champion CZ, CAC SK, CAC CZ,CWC PL, CACIB, 2x Res CACIB, 3x Junior BOB, Junior BIS-2, Qualification for CRUFT´S.
European veteran winner 2014, Polish champion, Czech champion, Slovakian champion
In loving memory... C.I.B., TOP-1 borzoi male CZ 2011,TOP-2 borzoi male 2012 in memory, Czech Champion, Champion CMKU, Club champion of KCHaPB, Grand Ch of Slovakia, Champion of Slovakia,Champion of Poland,Hungarian champion,Croatian CH,Junior champion of Poland, Multi BOB, 3x BOG4, Excellent from World dog show 2009, 2x Qualification for CRUFT´S // studdog
Czech champion, Polish champion, Junior champion CZ, CWC, BOJ, National winner, BOS, BOB, CACIB, CAC, Res CAC, coursing licence, Res CACIL, Res CACT, 3th place V4 Cup 2019, stud dog, DM clear
Germany Junior CH, Multi BOB, Best male, BIG-2, Multi Junior BOB,Puppy class BOB,
C.I.C., C.I.B.P.,Slovakian champion, Club champion KCHaPB, Czech champion, Czech coursing Ch, Polish champion, Czech Junior Champion, European Junior Winner 2018, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BOS, National winner, coursing licence, CACIL, Res CACIL, CACT, Res CACT, Best in field Gold rabbit Trophy 2019, Res CACIL from EU coursing 2019, International Hungarian coursing champion 2019, Winner of V4 Cup 2019, Coursing winner CZ 2020
World winner 2021, C.I.B., Hungarian CH, Slovakian Grand Ch, Slovakian CH, Czech CH, Polish CH, Best Puppy, BIS-1 puppy, Vice European Junior winner, 9x CAC, 5x CACIB, 4x Res CACIB, Winner of Special show 2019,5x BOB, BIS-2, BIG-3, 3x BOS, coursing licence, CACIL, CACT
Slovakian Ch, Hungarian Ch, Czech working champion, Winner Beauty and performance SK 2021, Czech master 2021, V4 cup Winner 2020, CACIL, CACT, Coursing Master of Czech Republic 2019, Res CACT, Res CACIL, coursing licence, BOB, CACIB, Res CACIB,CAC, Res CAC
C.I.B., Croatian champion, Slovenian champion, Slovakian grand champion,Slovakian champion, Junior champion of Slovakia, multi BOB, multi CACIB, BIG-1, 4x Res CACIB, 3x Jun BOB
Slovakian and Polish champion, CAC, CACIB, Res CACIB, BOB, BOS, CAJC, BOJ, Winner of special show, National winner, CACIL, CACT, International Master of Slovakia 2016
Polish champion, Junior Ch of Slovakia and Poland, BOB, BIG-1, Res CACIB,
coursing: C.I.C
FCI European Lure Coursing Champion Helsinki, FINLAND 2015
5th FCI European Lure Coursing Championships ? Lavarone, ITALY 2014
Polish LC Champion 2015
Czech LC Champion 2015
V4 CUP Winner 2014
Grand Prix Bratislava 2014
Polish Lure Coursing Champion 2013,
Czech Republic Lure Coursing Champion 2013
10 x CACIL
BOB from World dog show 2009, World Veteran Winner 2009, BOB Veteran from WDS 2009, Interchampion, Champion of Sweden, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Swedish winner 2005, TOP female 2005 of Sweden
Interchampion, Czech, Slovakian and Polish champion, Club Champion KCHaPB, Slovakian Grand Champion, Slovakian Junior Ch, Res CACIB from World dog show Poznan 2006 (Vice World winner)
Czech champion, Res CACIB