siblings: litter Q Bistkupstwo

Quena in news

  • 30. 07. 2023
    Opole, PL - another success of our Quena Bistkupstwo, at the international show she won the titles Ex1, CAC, CACIB and BOB. Judge Adam Ostrowski, 12 borzoi participated in the show. Congratulations!
  • 03. 06. 2023
    New news from Slovakia, our Quena Bistkupstwo completed two more titles in the last month: Hungarian CH and Croatian CH. Croatian Zadar: 2xCAC, 2xCACIB, 2XBOB, Mediterranean show Winner, Hungarian Mosonmagyaróvár: CAC, BOB, BIG 1, Congratulations!
  • 26. 06. 2022
    Intercanis Brno: at this international show was judge Mr. Vlastislav Vojtek (SK) and representatives of our kennel got: Papaver Bistkupstwo Exc.1, CAC, Res CACIB and Quena Bistkupstwo Exc.1, CAC, Res CACIB. Thank you and congratulations to the owners!
  • 22. 05. 2022
    2 x CACIB Pápa, Hungary: Quena Bistkupstwo, champion class: 2x CAC, 2x CACIB and 2x BOB! Big congratulations to Nina´s owner Andrea!
  • 02. 05. 2022
    Skvělé zprávy z výstavy v chorvatském Zadaru - naše Quena se zúčastnila dvou výstav a domů si dovezla 2x CAC, 2x CACIB a 2x BOB. Velké gratulace putují na Slovensko majitelce Andrea.
  • 01. 04. 2022
    Prestigious competition Champion of Champions in Slovakia - Quena Bistkupstwo became Victory winner and I.Vicechampion of champions SR 2021 We send huge congratulations and thanks for a nice presentation of our breeding.
  • 02. 10. 2021
    Our breeding work was awarded at the World Dog Show in Brno. Four borzois from Bistkupstwo won their classes! Onga EX1 CAC and new Czech CH from working class, Quena Ex1 CAC in strongly represented intermediate class, Odeta Ex1 CAC Res CACIB from working class and Olověnka in champions Ex1 CAC CACIB BOS and World winner 2021! Big congratulations to all!
  • 26. 09. 2021
    Pleasing news from Slovakia: our young Quena Bistkupstwo finished her adult championship and now she is not only Junior CH, but also Champion of Slovakia! Congratulations to the owner Andrejka!
  • 15. 08. 2021
    Special sighthound show in Mojmírovce (SK): Quillaia Ex3, Quena Ex2 Res CAC, Ortiga Ex1 CAC and Olověnka Ex3 from champion class. Judge Marion Marpe (D).
  • 14. 08. 2021
    Slovakian club show in Mojmírovce(SK): Quillaia "Gina" Ex1, CAC and her sister Quena Ex2 from intermediate class, Ortiga Ex1 CAC from working class and Olověnka from champion class Ex1, CAC, Club winner and BOS. Judge Bart Scheerens (B)

Quena Bistkupstwo

C.I.B., Croatian champion, Slovenian champion, Slovakian grand champion,Slovakian champion, Junior champion of Slovakia, multi BOB, multi CACIB, BIG-1, 4x Res CACIB, 3x Jun BOB
Quena Bistkupstwo
Mother: Lovka Bistkupstwo
Father: Estet Classic Valentin SG

Natal day: 17.11.2019
Breeder: Bistkupstwo
Owner: SK